SawMill 1950s Gas Plant 01 - Harry's Old Engine

SawMill 1950s Gas Plant 01 - Harry's Old Engine
SawMill 1950s Gas Plant 01 - Harry's Old Engine
SawMill 1950s Gas Plant 01 - Harry's Old Engine
Geolocation data
Saw Mill Lane, Addingham, Ilkley (53°56′41″N, 1°52′43″W)
Item details
iBase ID
SawMill 1950s Gas Plant 01 - Harry's Old Engine
  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (default - see footer)
This is a diagram of the original plant used to produce gas for power at the sawmill. The actual gas producer is on the left and sawdust was fed into the top in a sawdust room level with the Mill Chamber which was about 35ft. above the base. The column on the right is for cooling and washing the gas. File 'Gas Plant 02' explains the chemistry of gas production (see links below).
The location is shown on the Saw Mill layout file (see links below)
During the summer closure it was cleaned out by lowering a man down the tube in a bucket, even though it was still warm and must have been pretty inhospitable!
This gas engine solved the problem of power for the mill during the day but for night time they needed another source. In 1930 Edward and two of his sons built houses at the top of Bark Lane (Bark Hill Top - see link below) and since mains electricity hadn’t reached there yet they decided to experiment with generating their own using a Pelton wheel powered by water (see linked file for more information on Pelton Wheel) which was operated from Bark Hill Top by an ingenious system.
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