Sawmill 1930s workers 3 names

Sawmill 1930s workers 3 names
Sawmill 1930s workers 3 names
Sawmill 1930s workers 3 names
Geolocation data
Leeds International Pianoforte Competition, 4 Saw Mill Lane, Addingham, Ilkley (53°56′40″N, 1°52′43″W)
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Sawmill 1930s workers 3 names
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Sawmill workers in the 1930s. This picture shows some of the workers during the 30s. Most men moved around the mill as required though some specialised in certain jobs.
*Edwin Brear
*Nat Smith did most jobs.
*Joe Horsman (looks very young to be an employee)
*Freddie Blaythorne worked on big circular saw with (Joseph) Parker Brear and Ellis Whiteoak.
*Billie Brear is Job’s son who took over as Manager after him.
*Willie Wilkins n - I don’t know where he worked.
*Lister Ellis - Ronnie Brear’s father in law (lived with family at Crossend Cottage in Swamill Lane for a while but was not an employee.
*Fred Mawson usually worked on the ground floor machines……*
(Workers not shown here included Ronald Brear & Joseph Brear worked in woodyard.
Harry Wilkinson only worked on middle circular saw downstairs.
Charlie Newton worked in Polish Room. George Wittam drove timber wagon and later became the only other worker with Peter B.)
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