Sawmill 1920s Donkey Cart Cartoon

Sawmill 1920s Donkey Cart Cartoon
Sawmill 1920s Donkey Cart Cartoon
Sawmill 1920s Donkey Cart Cartoon
Geolocation data
Leeds International Pianoforte Competition, 4 Saw Mill Lane, Addingham, Ilkley (53°56′40″N, 1°52′43″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Sawmill 1920s Donkey Cart Cartoon
Hilda Holmes
  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (default - see footer)
This donkey cart, used for delivering firewood round the village, was acquired by three of Edward’s sons Handel, Ronnie & Joseph, when they were short of money in about the 1920s.
It provided Saturday work for many a village lad and would be taken as far as Ilkley but it could be quite a struggle up the slope at Cocken End
These pictures show that journey - they were attached to a birthday card sent to Job Brear on his 100th. Bithday and signed ‘From the Holmes Girls’ I believe they were drawn by Hilda Holmes.
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