SawMill 1950s Gas plant 02 - Chemistry of gas

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SawMill 1950s Gas plant 02 - Chemistry of gas
SawMill 1950s Gas plant 02 - Chemistry of gas
Geolocation data
Saw Mill Lane, Addingham, Ilkley (53°56′40″N, 1°52′43″W)
Item details
iBase ID
SawMill 1950s Gas plant 02 - Chemistry of gas production
  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (default - see footer)
Gas plant cross section. This shows the inside workings of a gas plant. The principle is to inject moist air into a fire with limited oxygen. The water breaks down to make hydrogen and the oxygen combines with the carbon in the sawdust to make carbon monoxide plus impurities. In Harry's Engine (see linked file) the gas was passed through a washing process to purify it.
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