Quick Search
Enter a word or phrase in the Search box and click Search. Quick Search looks for that word or phrase in all the data associated with each record throughout the database.
Fuzzy searching
By default, Quick Search conducts a ‘fuzzy search’ - if a match isn't found suggestions will be offered of similar terms that exist on the site.
Fuzzy searching and suggestions are inhibited by placing quotes around the term, for example "house" will return items with exactly that word, but not houses.
The wildcard (*) can be used in place of unknown characters or to widen the search. For example, *Road will retrieve Skipton Road, Silsden Road etc...
Boolean Operators
When you are searching for more than one word or wish to exclude specific words from the search you can use Boolean operators.
Use AND, OR and NOT to specify whether a result set must contain all terms, any terms, or not the specified term. For example, London AND street finds only items where both London and street are present, London NOT street finds only items where London is present but street is not, London OR bridge finds items where either London or bridge are present.
Phrase Searching
A phrase can be found by placing quotes around it. For example, a quick search for green tree will find any item that has the word green or tree in it somewhere. Searching for "green tree" only returns items with that exact phrase.
Field Search
This allows searches by fields such as Keywords (Tags) or Creator etc.
Selecting Explore All will return every item in the catalogue.
Previous Searches
The Previous Searches page records a history of all the searches you perform in chronological order. To view the results of a previous search, click on the link. This function is session based, closing your browser will clear the Previous Search history.
Search Results
Results of searches are returned as a gallery of thumbnail images. The number of thumbnails displayed per page on can be changed by entering a number in the 'Display xx items' box on the top navigation bar. A detailed or thumb view can be selected from the pick list to its right. To view an item, click on a thumbnail.
Item Details Page
The ‘Item Record’ page displays the referenced size image and information including Description, Keywords, Collections in which it occurs and original file details etc. Click on the + to view a larger image, email the page as a link and download the image.
The ‘Item Record’ page includes a ‘crumb trail’, this displays the type of search used to generate the current set of results and allows you to link back to the gallery containing the current item.
Navigation between Item Record pages is done by either using the Previous and Next arrow buttons or by entering the required page number in the page number field and pressing return.
Any related items are also displayed.