This is a living, free to use, archive containing thousands of photos, maps and documents featuring the village of Addingham in West Yorkshire. It is managed by the Heritage Group of Addingham Civic Society.
82 Main Street in 1910's, now Main Womenswear.
These photos show Addingham people, places and events dating from the 19th century to the present and we are constantly adding new material. We welcome contributions and offers of help.For more information contact
The Parish Council is digitising Parish Council Minutes from 1894.These can be found by clicking here
Prints for sale
We are now offering framed or unframed prints of photos in this archive. We have chosen a selection of favourite images, shown on the Addingham Civic Society website at Addingham Civic Society - Photo Archive Prints For Sale but copies of most other images are available to order.
The images in these collections are just a selection from our full archive containing thousands more files. If you are researching a particular place or building you may have access to all the relevant information that we hold on request to the above email address.